Properly crafted as-built drawings highlight how the plumbing has been designed by the contractor. After a plumbing project has been completed, FitzGerald and Sons Plumbing Company provides professionally drafted as-built drawings for your company to have on file.
Well done as-built drawings are vital because…
–You are made aware of changes that have been made to your building.
–You know the locations of all added plumbing features.
–You have the best possible record of how and what was completed.
Being informed about every aspect of your company’s building is important. If you paid for the addition, you should have proper documentation showing what has been accomplished, both visibly and inside your walls. It will also be helpful to know the location specifications of your plumbing components if you wish to conduct further renovations in the future.
As always, FitzGerald and Sons Plumbing Company promises quality through craftsmanship throughout the entire construction process.