Do you have hard water? According to the United States Department of Interior, 85% of all American households have hard water. Hard water is defined as having a high content of magnesium and calcium present. Having hard water is problematic for many reasons. The harshness of the water can wear out your clothing more quickly, cause your dishes to have spots, reduce water pressure in your home, dry out your hair and skin, and leave a filmy coating on your skin after washing your hands. The solution is as simple as using water softeners. At FitzGerald and Sons Plumbing Company, we offer water softener installation services to resolve your hard water issues.

Benefits of Using a Water Softener…

  • Improve your Wash Day–It has been proven that washing machines that use hard water will require more detergent as it does not lather as readily. In addition, hard water can also cause your clothes to be stiff after washing, resulting in the use of more fabric softener. Finally, the water softener will prevent stains from mineral buildup on your clothing.  By using a water softener, your money will be spent more efficiently on laundry products that achieve clean and soft clothes. 
  • Maximize your Savings and Efficiency– In order to properly wash your hands and clothes in hard water, a larger amount of water will be required. A water softener reduces the amount of water needed to stay clean. In addition to saving water, your water heater will run more efficiently with soft water. A water softener saves on your utility bills while reducing wasted water and energy.
  • Prioritize your Family’s Health–Because hard water is hard on your clothes and appliances, it is not surprising that it is also hard on your skin and hair. Research shows that after washing in hard water, a film forms on your hair. This film prevents your hair from being properly moisturized. The result is dry, dull, tangly, and even color-faded hair. Additionally, hard water can also cause itchiness and dandruff from the mineral buildup. The film left on your skin can lead to acne, dry patches, eczema, and clogged pores. Using a water softener ensures that your skin and hair can get the moisture needed to be healthy. 

In summation, a water softener will combat the overabundance of calcium and magnesium present in hard water. Soft water benefits  your family’s health, your appliances, your belongings, and your wallet. If you are ready to explore the water softener options, reach out to our team at FitzGerald and Sons Plumbing Company today!