Our Hiring Policies

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company hires applicants solely based upon merit. We do not discriminate on the basis of union affiliation, race, sex, color, age, national origin, disability, or any other protected status.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company does not require any employee to pay dues to any labor organization to join our company.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company accepts job applications only when we know there are jobs available and when we intend to fill the positions(s). When openings become available, we reserve the right to review applications already on file, prior to hiring. Applications remain on file for 90 days. It is the applicant’s responsibility to keep our hiring personnel informed on his/her availability.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company does not accept group applications or photocopied forms. We hire based on personal contact with individuals so that we can make sound business judgments as to the most qualified applicants.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company reserves the right to disqualify from being hired, or terminate if already hired any applicant who falsifies or omits information on the application.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company bases our hiring decisions on a variety of factors, including skills and ability to perform the job, prior employment with us, employment references as to character and willingness to work, willingness to accept the offered wage or salary, personal interviews and in the order as follows:

a) Current employees of the company.
b) Past employees with proven safety, attendance, and work records.
c) Applicants recommended by current supervisors.
d) Applicants recommended by current employees.

e) Ex-employee referrals.
f) Related industry/vendor referrals.
g) Newspaper advertisements.
h) Street walk-ins.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company is a drug-free workplace and all new hires are required to submit to a pre-employment drug test.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company has established all their hiring practices, record retention, and pay practices in compliance with the Federal and State Departments of Labor and the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.

• FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Company is an equal opportunity employer.

Contact Us

FitzGerald & Sons Plumbing Co.



Physical Address

105 Auburn Ct, Peachtree City, GA, 30269